The First-Time Home Buyer Program may assist low-income households buying their first home. The program also offers first time home buyers with education designed to guide applicants as they venture into home ownership. CSET understands that buying a home is a huge responsibility; it is also a huge opportunity. Owning your home means you can paint the walls with your favorite color, plant flowers and vegetables if you choose and plant the seed for an investment in your future.

Of course, before you leap into all of the benefits of homeownership, you should get prepared first. To help you get ready and get the most out of different loan and assistance programs, we encourage you to attend a FREE First Time Home Buyer Education workshop. Our workshops cover home selection, realtor services, lenders, loan programs, homeownership responsibilities, saving for a down payment, and other important pieces of information. Many home buyer programs require applicants to attend this type of class to be eligible for selected programs. You will receive a certificate proving your completion of a workshop. Don't wait- get prepared today! 

2256 E Arlen - Gilbuena & Fam Smiling.JPG

First Time Home Buyer Hotline
(559) 741-4641